
Online and On-Campus Counseling Degrees and Programs in Vermont

There are three schools in Vermont with programs in the five major counseling categories: mental health counseling, marriage and family therapy, rehabilitation counseling, school counseling, and substance abuse counseling.1 These schools offer online and hybrid as well as in-person programs. Online counseling degrees are delivered through web-based learning, while hybrid degrees blend online and in-person sessions. Two schools in Vermont offer hybrid and online counseling degrees that make counseling education more accessible to those who can’t attend traditional programs.

Table of Contents

Comparison of Vermont Counseling Schools and Programs

The table below summarizes public and not-for-profit colleges and universities in Vermont with traditional and online counseling programs. Where applicable, we note schools with one or more programs accredited by the Council for Accreditation of Counseling and Related Educational Programs (CACREP), the Commission on Accreditation for Marriage and Family Therapy Education (COAMFTE), and the Masters in Psychology and Counseling Accreditation Council (MPCAC).

The five major counseling degree concentrations are abbreviated as MH for mental health counseling degrees, MF for marriage and family therapy degrees, VR for vocational rehabilitation counseling degrees, SC for school counseling degrees, and SA for substance abuse counseling degrees. These correspond to the Vermont counseling licenses Clinical Mental Health Counselor (CMHC), Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist (LMFT), School Counselor (SC), and Licensed Alcohol and Drug Abuse Counselor (LADC). Rehabilitation counselors are typically licensed as CMHCs. Note that some programs offer degree tracks that can lead to credentialing in more than one specialty. Bold text indicates a program with online or hybrid options.

School NameAccreditation2-4Online/Hybrid Programs?MHMFVRSCSANet Price1
Community College of Vermont-MontpelierOnlineYes$11,994
University of VermontCACREPYesYes$19,873
Vermont State UniversityHybridYesYesYes$17,086

Vermont Schools With Online Counseling Programs

Programs on the following lists may be online or hybrid. Check with schools for any in-person degree requirements.

Online Mental Health Counseling Degrees

Online School Counseling Degrees

Online Substance Abuse Counseling Degrees

Select Schools in Vermont With Counseling Degrees

Traditional Graduate Programs

University of Vermont

The University of Vermont (UVM) is home to a 60-credit, CACREP-accredited Master of Science (MS) in Counseling with tracks in Clinical Mental Health Counseling and School Counseling also available. In the MS in Clinical Mental Health Counseling, students learn theories and models of mental health and mental illness through their coursework. The program also provides opportunities to develop and practice clinical skills through supervised practicum and internships. The program meets state coursework requirements for the Clinical Mental Health Counselor (CMHC) license. Students in the MS in School Counseling learn to work with elementary and secondary school students to improve mental well-being, strengthen social supports, and address behavioral challenges. Upon completion of the program, graduates will meet state requirements to become a school counselor in Vermont. A 76-credit dual licensure option is available that enables students to meet the educational requirements to become both a school counselor and a CMHC in Vermont. Students in this program are required to complete coursework and supervised work experience in both areas of practice.

Online and Hybrid Programs

Community College of Vermont

The Community College of Vermont (CCV) offers an Associate of Science (AS) in Behavioral Science that can be completed fully online with several optional focus areas, including Substance Use Disorders. This 60-credit degree includes both general education requirements and specific program requirements. Students will gain the necessary skills to work in a number of human service and mental health settings. Graduates of the AS in Behavioral Science can transfer to a four-year college or university to continue their studies or utilize CCV’s 2+2 transfer agreement with several schools in the state of Vermont to easily complete their bachelor’s degree. Coursework for the Substance Use Disorders focus includes Introduction to Substance Use Disorders; Introduction to Case Management; Trauma: Origins and Impacts; and Addiction: An Introduction to Clinical Skills.

Vermont State University

Vermont State University (VSU) offers a 60-credit Master of Arts (MA) in Counseling with three concentrations: Addictions Counseling; Clinical Mental Health Counseling; and School Counseling. The counseling program is designed to offer flexibility to those students who work by combining face-to-face courses with distance learning instruction. Each concentration prepares students to pursue licensure in clinical mental health, substance use, or school counseling. Students in the School Counseling concentration pursuing the endorsement in Vermont will need to compile a portfolio and pass the PRAXIS exam for licensure in Vermont. An MS in Clinical Mental Health Counseling is also available in an intensive one-weekend-per-month format combining face-to-face instruction with remote and distance learning. VSU also offers a 27-credit Certificate of Advanced Graduate Studies (CAGS) program in School Counseling designed for students with a master’s degree in counseling who are seeking licensure as a Pre-K-12 school counselor. Pending final approval, VSU is merging with Castleton University and Vermont Technical College to become Vermont State University in July 2023.

1. National Center for Education Statistics College Navigator: https://nces.ed.gov/collegenavigator/
2. Council for Accreditation of Counseling and Related Educational Programs, Accredited Programs: https://www.cacrep.org/directory/
3. Commission on Accreditation for Marriage and Family Therapy Education, Directory of COAMFTE Accredited Programs: https://coamfte.org/COAMFTE/Directory_of_Accredited_Programs/MFT_Training_Programs.aspx
4. Masters in Psychology and Counseling Accreditation Council Accredited Programs: https://mpcacaccreditation.org/accredited-programs/
5. US News & World Report Best Student Counseling Programs 2022: https://www.usnews.com/best-graduate-schools/top-education-schools/student-counseling-rankings
6. US News & World Report Best Online Master’s in Education Programs Offering Student Counseling and Personnel Services 2022: https://www.usnews.com/education/online-education/education/student-counseling-rankings